ESVI-AL project looks for a duplicable effect through the creation, implementation and validation of methodologies that establish a working model for the fulfillment of accessibility requisites and standards in the context of virtual education, which represent a set of good practices and cases of success, as well as quality standards to follow that can be implemented by the rest HEI of the region.
This multiplying effect will be reinforced through the cooperation network that will be created during the same, which will invite the HEI from LA and EU to participate in the diagnostics and access to the material and methodologies made to implement accessibility in virtual spaces in their own institutions. Additionally, an Observatory of Accessibility in Virtual Education and Society will be created, to support HEI in the process of implementation, management and evaluation, as well as a definition of diagnostics that facilitate the elaboration of audits that validate the accomplishment of accessibility standards in education in virtual campuses.
The main results of dissemination of the project to obtain a multiplying effect will be obtained through the following way, thanks to the support of its strategic partners:
- Cooperation Network about Accessibility in Virtual Education and Society, with all the publications of the project available in electronic format. Any HEI, company, interested and compromised organization with the virtual inclusion of people with disability will be admitted as partner of the Network.
- Cooperation Observatory about Accessibility in Virtual Education and Society (Action of all the partners of the project in their different regions, mainly in: UGAL: Mexico and Central America, URU: South America, UAH: Europe). The services of the Observatory may be used by any user from any part of the world, existing the possibility to participate in forums and activities from the observatory
- Virtual Educa: This organization will offer their experience in collaboration with HEI from Ibero-America, thanks to their broadcasting channel available with more of 40 member HEI.
- Advisory: The methodology of accessible virtual education and the guidebook on good practices will allow a duplication of the results of any HEI. The partners of the project can advise other HEI to duplicate the results in their institution.
- Research: The possibility to do research and doctoral thesis about Web accessibility and virtual education will be offered as from the results of the project, to graduates from HEI in LA and EU, in universities from the project, especially in UAH, in its PhD program about “Information and Knowledge Engineering”, proposed in Spain in 2011 by the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación en la Educación [National Agency of Quality Evaluation and Accreditation in Education] (ANECA, for its acronym in Spanish), as a doctorate of excellence program.
The expected main results of ESVI-AL project are:
- Accessible virtual education methodology in Spanish and English.
- At least 30 technical reports.
- At least 100 teachers that have improved their accessible virtual teaching techniques.
- Diagnostic about the access and permanency situation of students with disability, with actions in at least 3 universities from LA.
- At least 3 accessible virtual campuses.
- At least 3 accessible virtual educational programs.
- A storage place of accessible open educational resources.
- At least 40 students that get into the first test edition of the programs.
- Diagnostic about improvement of employability of students with disability.
- Diagnostic about accessibility standards.
- Accreditation model in accessibility and quality in virtual education.
- At least 3 agreements of double degrees.
- Web Portal offering free access.
- Cooperation network.
- Accessibility Observatory.
- At least 30 publications.
- At least organization of 6 congresses